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Flower and Bird Oil Painting - Unique in the World


Audrey Leeds

Before Huang Yue, no Chinese artist has ever created flower and bird paintings with oil paint. These unique paintings refer specifically to images rendered in freehand brushwork that emphasize many colors and species of florals and birds.” Huangyue” is a new artistic language style providing visual effects never seen before.




Huangyue said: "I have been searching for an approach to express my personal feelings towards people in our present society-seeking to visualize their inner most temperament and mindset. My concern is pertaining to the great depth of gloom and ugliness burdening humanity. 




Peace, leisure, dignity, meditation, respect for health and nature are values needed to become our focus of attention.  On a planet now besieged with steel, concrete, wires and progressive communication, we should never lose our sensitivity towards lifestyles that offer everlasting inner peace. Health and an environment that is harmonious are what human beings long for most. Hegel once noted that: "Aesthetics are the primary teachers of human kind because the education of aesthetics free Man's mind."




The function of art would not even exist without aesthetics which make up the major function of art. As a painting artist, I'm more concerned with a human's optimistic attitude towards the future. Art, with its unique social function can elevate people's spirituality, enhance cultural cultivation, purify the mind and refine the quality of everyday life.  Art can change the world providing inner comfort and up lifting experiences that contribute to the harmonious development of mankind, physically and mentally.




Flower and Bird painting is a subject matter exclusively "Chinese", a stylistic language that has remained unchanged for the last 1000 years. Its repetition in paintings no longer fulfills people's visual needs. Artistic creation should never be trapped by traditional skills or techniques; instead, artistic skills and techniques should encourage a “feast of reason and the flow of the soul”.




Huang Yue has created his own stylistic language of painting that is

totally original, not an imitation of traditional Chinese painting or Western styles of art. Thus, he has adopted the title "Huangyue" to clarify his unique style that will inspire beneficial visual and psychological responses. Among Huangyue's flower and bird oil paintings, the Kingfisher bird is a tangible symbol of his philosophy toward eternal life.  Through his creative auspices, he wishes to create a spiritual freedom for individuals releasing a self-induced power that will lead to lifestyles of understanding, kindness and lasting harmony.







Audrey Leeds:

Previous partner /owner of gallery L'Atelier, Piermont, NY., curator, art consultant, producer of special events. Curate exhibitions annually at Art Gallery at the Rockefeller Park Preserve, Westchester, NY.


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