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The Huangyue Flower and Bird Art Eye Makeup Series is inspired by the Huang Yue flower and bird color ink painting. The product design concept is taken from the national style aesthetics. The exquisite relief design and the breathtaking craftsmanship make each product a work of art. .

In Huang Yue's colorful ink paintings of flowers and birds, a large area of blue is rendered with lotus leaves. This is the color of "infinite realm" that Zhuangzi said with depth, breadth and height. The color in the spiritual level is the language of the soul to vent outward. Blue is not only a dreamy color, it gives people a fresh, elegant and romantic feeling. Blue also contains a deep culture in the tranquility and depth, which is the human soul. A pure color that can be pinned on. This series presents the dream world of flowers and birds in front of people, with birds chatting among flowers, a little bit of ink, red lotus blooming in summer, and flowers blooming to see Buddha... all turned into poems and paintings, which are above the new products.

The Huangyue Flower and Bird Art Lip Makeup series, with unique color language, is the first to open the preface of the Huangyue Flower and Bird Art Make-up category, which flexibly blooms the beauty of Chinese women. The first series extended imagination with the appearance of lacquer, gilded and shiny metal materials, and went to a starlight feast intertwined with color art, and experienced the unique color aesthetics of the yellow moon flower and bird art. The outer packaging is designed with Huangyue's flower and bird oil painting "Tiantang No Sorrow", and the legendary red is intercepted from it to light up the audience. The gorgeous and rich colors bring a strong sensory impact.

Huang Yue Art Watch is divided into men's and women's models, using original Swiss mechanical movement and automatic quartz movement. Regardless of whether it is a mechanical movement or a quartz movement, the metal parts of the Yellow Moon Art Watch



Huang Yue Art Watch is divided into men's and women's models, using original Swiss mechanical movement and automatic quartz movement. Regardless of whether it is a mechanical movement or a quartz movement, the metal parts of the Yellow Moon Art Watch



Huang Yue Art Watch is divided into men's and women's models, using original Swiss mechanical movement and automatic quartz movement. Regardless of whether it is a mechanical movement or a quartz movement, the metal parts of the Yellow Moon Art Watch



Huang Yue Art Watch is divided into men's and women's models, using original Swiss mechanical movement and automatic quartz movement. Regardless of whether it is a mechanical movement or a quartz movement, the metal parts of the Yellow Moon Art Watch


屏幕快照 2021-12-23 下午3.13.51.png
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