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Huang Yue Art Watch 分为男款和女款,采用原装瑞士机械机芯和自动石英机芯两种制作。不论是机械机芯还是石英机芯,黄月艺术手表的金属部件均为 18K 玫瑰镀金,表圈镶嵌有 60 颗天然钻石,表镜为蓝宝石玻璃,鳄鱼皮制的蝴蝶扣表带,每款限量编号从 001 至 010,各 10 件。

设计灵感来源于黄月花鸟油画作品,并经历了长达 3 年的反复设计和 制样过程。在材质上,本款黄月艺术手表从机芯、表壳、表带到表盘上各种元素的设计组合,包括 LOGO 的大小尺寸、位置上的设计安排,以及对宝石的挑选都格外严格,力求这一款镶嵌宝石的腕表能散发出尊贵典雅的艺术气质,以及在性能和美学上达到最佳的水平。


Huang Yue Art Watch is divided into men's and women's models, using original Swiss mechanical movement and automatic quartz movement. Regardless of whether it is a mechanical movement or a quartz movement, the metal parts of the Yellow Moon Art Watch



Huang Yue Art Watch is divided into men's and women's models, using original Swiss mechanical movement and automatic quartz movement. Regardless of whether it is a mechanical movement or a quartz movement, the metal parts of the Yellow Moon Art Watch


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Huang Yue Art Watch is divided into men's and women's models, using original Swiss mechanical movement and automatic quartz movement. Regardless of whether it is a mechanical movement or a quartz movement, the metal parts of the Yellow Moon Art Watch


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Huang Yue Art Watch is divided into men's and women's models, using original Swiss mechanical movement and automatic quartz movement. Regardless of whether it is a mechanical movement or a quartz movement, the metal parts of the Yellow Moon Art Watch

洛克菲勒家族第五代重要成员 Steven C. Rockefeller Jr 收藏 Huang Yue Art Watch,他的祖父 Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller 曾出任美国副总统 ,也是洛克菲勒家族中政治权力最高的人。

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Huang Yue Art Watch is divided into men's and women's models, using original Swiss mechanical movement and automatic quartz movement. Regardless of whether it is a mechanical movement or a quartz movement, the metal parts of the Yellow Moon Art Watch

法国前总理多米尼克 . 德维尔潘 (Dominique de Villepin) 收藏 Huang Yue Art Watch。

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Huang Yue Art Watch is divided into men's and women's models, using original Swiss mechanical movement and automatic quartz movement. Regardless of whether it is a mechanical movement or a quartz movement, the metal parts of the Yellow Moon Art Watch

中间民主党国际主席、哥伦比亚前总统安德烈斯·帕斯特拉纳·阿朗戈(Andrés Pastrana Arango) 收藏 Huang Yue Art Watch。

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